Special lecture for writing beautiful Japanese

Let's enjoy studying Japanese!

/Be careful not to use Chinese font.

SimSun font is not the Japanese font, but the Chinese one.

The shape of the kanji is slightly different. Japanese people can notice immediately, but it is difficult for foreigners. Anyway, Please don't use SimSun or KaiTi.

/Do you know the difference between に and へ ?

I want to go home.

私は家に帰りたいis good.

私は家へ帰りたいis not good.

I want to go to Kyoto.

私は京都に行きたいis good.

私は京都へ行きたいis also good.

When you go to “a certain direction or area”, you can use へ.

When you go to “a certain place or point”, you can use に.

But, to tell the truth, this issue is pretty ambiguous.

Not a few native speakers often pay no attention.

/Do you know the difference between が and は ?

私は釣りが好きです。 = I like fishing.

私は釣りは好きです。 = I like fishing. (But there are also other favorite hobbies.)

What are your hobbies?

私は釣りが好きですis good.

私は釣りは好きですis strange.

Do you like fishing?

はい私は釣りが好きですis a little strange.

はい私は釣りは好きですis good.

 /"たそがれ時(Tasogare-Doki)" means "twilight hour".

Tasogare" means twilight, and "Doki" means hour.

It's a poetic expression.

Thus, it is not used in business documents.

When you write an essay, a poem, or a lyric of a love song, you can use the word, “Tasogare-Doki”.

Well, I show you a word which has the same meaning as “Tasogare-Doki”.

That is “Kawatare-Doki”.

This word is an old-fashioned word which is seldom used now.

Most Japanese people today don't know this word.

In Kanji characters, "Kawatare-Doki" is written as "彼は誰時".

"彼" means "He", and "誰" means "who".

Yes, "Kawatare-Doki" means "The dim hour just before sunset during which we have to ask somebody their name in order to tell who they are."

Awesome Japanese language! 

 /Japanese umbrellas, especially, which have concentric circular patterns are called "蛇の目(Janome)".

Originally, "Janome" means "snake eyes".

Japanese people are good at imparting artistic qualities to things around them.

The word "Janome" has a traditional and a nostalgic sound.  I guess that reason is from a next children's song for little girls with considerable probability.

The title of the song is "Amefuri (a rainy day)", and the lyrics are as follows.

"Let it rain more! And then, my mom will come to meet me with "Janome". It makes me happy." 

 /"夜明け前(よあけまえ)【jóʌké/mάe】" means "before the dawn". 

The word, "夜明け前" gives most Japanese a beautiful impression and a refreshing feeling. 

You might know the next word. 

"It's always darkest before the dawn." 

You can say it in Japanese "夜明け前が一番暗い".

When your Japanese friends are in trouble, I want you to encourage them with next words "夜明け前が一番暗いって言うよ", and you will be able to get closer to them. 

Yes, Japanese always find hope in the word "夜明け前".  

 /I was surprised to hear that a nonnative girl talked with her friend with beautiful Japanese words in a train the other day. Surprisingly, she was speaking a word that I have not ever heard among nonnative people. That word is "おたがいさま【ɔt'ʌg'ʌís'ʌmah】".

I researched this word in an online Japanese‐English dictionary.  It says that is "be faced with the same problem(s) ". Hmm.... Something is missing.

"おたがいさま" means something like "We are faced with the same problem, so I will help you. "

Yes, this short word has a lot of meanings and kindness.

But still, I wonder how did she study this word?

She surely didn't see my blog because I have not ever written about this word.

And yet, she uses this word correctly.

To me, she is no different from a million other female university students.

Um…I want to study English so that I won't lose to her. 

 /When you remember the girl or the boy of your first love, his face or her shape in your memory is called "面影(おもかげ)【ɔmɔk'ʌgue】". In addition, when you remember the late people closed to you, you are able to use this word.  

For example, "Yeah, he looks like his late father, he has the 面影 of his late father. "

Moreover, you are also able to use it for objects or scenes. "Hollywood has not the 面影 of old." means something like "Hollywood isn't what it used to be."

This word has a few classic and a beautiful sound.

Sometimes it's cool as a joke. 

When your friend ran his new car into a telegraph pole after he had boasted of the car many times over. Readily, you should say "Oh! Where has 面影 of the brand-new car gone?" 

 /“あでやか(艶やか)【ʌdejaca】” is a commonly used word to praise a woman's fashion.

It includes some feelings. In my opinion, it includes "colorful" of 40%, "brilliant" of 30%, "glamorous" of 10%, "fascinatingly elegant" of 10%, "attractive" of 5%, and "beautiful" of 5%. 

For girls wearing FURISODE which is one of KIMONO, "あでやか" is a good praise. However, you should add something to praise about their personalities.  

 /"慕う(したう)【sítaʊ】", it expresses a complex feeling, and means something like "to long for", "to worship", or "to adore". Oh, I know a famous song which conveys this feeling well. You know, "Fly me to the moon."

Sinatra sings as follows, "You are all I long for, all I worship and adore ". The word, "慕う" gives us a feeling of antiquity now.

But it's OK! Certainly a wonderful word.

Let's use it in a daily conversation! 

 /In Japan, the four seasons are very distinct. 

June, it is the rainy season. 

Although heavy rain brings disaster, we love beautiful scenery brought about by rain. The Japanese people have been created many beautiful words about rain. It puts Shakespeare to shame. 

“雨上がり【ah-meh ah-gari 】” is one of those words. You know, “雨” is “rain”, and “上がり” means "after the time when something ended".  

However, this word, “雨上がり” actually has a subtle nuance to it. It means something like “a beautiful, calm, and quiet scene after the rain”. When Japanese see natural scenery, they see their own mind at the same time. So, the word, “雨上がり” includes various feelings, for example, dew, freshness, purity, and renewal. Yes, it is just like the reborn world. 

Anyway, The sound of this word is at once cool and traditional. 

In addition, it is used in many Japanese poems.  

 /"Whenever I see him, my heart starts to pound."

If you want to express the verb, "pound" in Japanese, you are able to use the word, "ときめく【tokey meck】".

This word is usually used only by women in Japan now.

I don’t know the trend in other countries though. 

 /"Would you like to join me for a bite to eat?", "And, you want something to drink with that?", "Shall I drop you off at your house?", "How about some tea?", "Would you like ...?", or "How about ...?"

If you want to refuse these invitations politely, you are able to reply in Japanese as follows.

"結構(けっこう)です【Ke-coh death】".

Originally, this means "That's satisfactory." However, in most cases in Japan, it strangely means "No, thank you."

On the other hand, it rarely means "Yes, that's OK."

Although this word has a beautiful sound, it is one of the most difficult Japanese words to grasp the meaning. So, you carefully have to watch the gesture or the facial expression of your partner. 

 /"はぐくむ【Ha-good coom】" which means something like " to raise something with loving care."

We often use this word for our children. For example, they raise their daughter with loving care.

However, the best beautiful use of this word is "愛(あい)をはぐくむ". Of course, you know "愛(あい)" is a famous Japanese word, "Love".

If you hope that you will always be lovers, Cultivate your love, otherwise you will lose your love. 

 /There is a beautiful and heart‐warming word in human relations. 

That is "心(こころ)くばり【cocollo coo-Bali】". 

There's no exact English equivalent of this Japanese expression.

If I'm forced to say, it's "keeping an eye out for others with warmth".

"彼(かれ)は、心くばりができる。", which means something like, "He is a person who can keep an eye out for others with warmth."

In Japan, these persons are regarded as not only shrewd, but also has a fine human touch.

We would like to have such friends, coworkers, bosses, business partners, and neighbors. 

Your husband or wife?

Give up such an unattainable hope! 

 /Are you feeling better?, Have you slept well?, You did your best!, or Congrats on passing the test!

In all these cases, you are able to reply, "おかげさまで【occur get some a day】".

Literally translated to English, it means "by the shadow".

Who is "the shadow"? This word is unfinished and a little strange.

Actually, this word has a deep meaning and the essence of Japanese.

Although it is difficult to explain “the shadow” to you, we dare to do it.

First, Shinto gods in heaven and on earth are the primary choice.

Subsequently, people around you, your family, and your friends are an example.

Amazingly, it implies your own efforts just a little bit.

Yes, "おかげさまで", which means something like "It has gone well with the shadows help."

This is one of the traditional words, and many people still use this word, so you should have many chances to use this word.

Please, try to use it from tomorrow! 

 /Getting tired of a semi formal party or a house-party to which your boss invited you, and you want to say, “Well, I've got to go now.”

How can you say it in Japanese?

Of course, you want to take care not to be impolite to the host or hostess.

Don't worry. The next phrase is expedient, yet elegant.

“そろそろ、おいとまいたします【sorrow-sorrow oi-tomah eat a shi-math】”, which means “Well, it's about time that I leave now.”

However, I highly recommend using this phrase in a drinking party at an Izakaya, Japanese pub, with your friends.

If you say this phrase, you will be hit with everyone.

No doubt! 

 /After hard working in the morning, let's talk to your coworkers, " お昼にしましょうか?【Oh-hill-nee shimma- show-kah?】", which means something like "Why don't you go to lunch with me?”. If you want to become familiar with your coworkers, this invitation is very good. However, be careful! You should not talk to your boss because he will think you want him to treat you to lunch, and also you should not talk to your subordinate because they think you treat them, so it's only for coworkers.

There are great exceptions to it, however. You don't need to invite a disagreeable fellow. It's a common world standard. 

/Fresh fruits or green vegetables in an early morning market, they are called "みずみずしい【Ms.-Ms.-she】". It's a good sound adjective.

Of course, it is an adjective used to refer to a woman’s skin.

For women, “みずみずしい肌(はだ)【Ms.-Ms.-she hah-dah】”, which means something like young and fresh skin, is the best compliment.

However, you had better not talk to a woman who is not especially familiar. 

 /"I'm looking forward to it.”

How do you say in Japanese?

According to the dictionary,  you can say, "楽(たの)しみにしています【tah-no-shimie-nee shee-te-ee-muss】".

However, it is rather a diplomatic.

There is a more beautiful phrase and not in most dictionaries.

It's a "心待ち(こころまち)にしています【coco-luo-mahchi-nee shee-te-ee-muss】".

Let's be a charming Japanese speaker!

/Shinkansen, the Japanese super Express are named "こだま【KODAMA】", "ひかり【HIKARI】", and  "のぞみ【NOZOMI】".

It means "Echo", "Light", and "Hope".

They are all beautiful words.

NOZOMI is the fastest train.

Please remember "Hope" is faster than "Light".

/"さようなら【Sah-yoh nahla】” is "Good bye".

However, the origin of this word is "そうであるなら【Saw-de al nahla】", which means something like "If so. "

“さようなら” includes various emotions, and it originates from deep spirituality.

If we express it with words, it is as follows.

“And then the time to part came. I'd love to stay, but I have to say good bye because I know the reason why we part from each other now.”

Do you know “Shane”, one of the greatest Westerns in movie history?

In the moving last scene, "Shane! Come back!” the young boy's words reverberated around the Wyoming mountain range.

Yes! This is the very “さようなら”. 

/If there are any chances, come on a hot spring and soak under a stadium of stars.

A stadium of stars is “満天の星(まんてんのほし)【man-ten no hoshi】” in Japanese.

However, we cannot see it in cities now.

Beautiful words leave with decreasing beautiful scenery.

/"相合傘 (あいあいがさ) eye-eye gasser" means sharing an umbrella. The lovers walk in the rain under one umbrella. Even if they have their own umbrella, they use only one and prefer that their shoulders get wet with rain. Rational behavior is not always chosen.

 /A shower in the late afternoon to early evening in the summer. It's called "夕立(ゆうだち)【You-dah-chi】".

When people get in a sudden shower, most of them feel a lazy afternoon in the summer, and they mutter, "夕立か..."

Some people will picture their happy childhood in their mind under an awning or looking out of the window.

"夕立" is just like a breath of fresh air, and it's also a beautiful word. 

 /Evening shower!

Patience my friend!

It's a very good time for using a beautiful Japanese, 

"雨宿り(あまやどり)しなくちゃ!【ama-yardley see-nuckture】", which means something like "Gotta find a shelter from the rain!"

"雨宿り"...., Ah, what a beautiful sound it has!  

 /Summer is coming soon!

If somebody told you, "暑い(あつい)ですねー【Atsu-ye death-nay】", which means something like "It's so hot, isn't it?", please don't reply, "暑いですね". 

You can say some beautiful Japanese phrases in a hot summer, 

for example, "きびしいですね【Key-bee-sea death-nay】", which means something like "Yes, it's severe."or "夏(なつ)たけなわですね【Nuts tuckey-nowa death-nay】”, which means "Yes. It's the peak of summer." 

By the way, I’m sorry to refer to an ominous word, “death”.

However, the pronunciation of  “です” is remarkably similar to “death”.

If it’s of any use to you, I will offer even my coffin. 

/You know, saying "I'm busy." is not elegant. 

"Busy" means "忙(いそが)しい【Ye-so-gashi】”, and it's not elegant also in Japan. 

"忙" is a Kanji character, and it's made up of "心" and "亡". 

"心” means "mind" and "亡” means "to lose" 

So, saying "忙しい" means that you lose your mind.

Therefore, ”忙しい” is not beautiful Japanese.  

 /Japanese often say "すいません【Swim a SEN】" which means something like "I'm sorry." or "Excuse me." However, it's not always a word of apology.

For example, "Please move a little." or "Please pass me the salt."

Yes, if you want to ask for something, you can say "すいません....." 

 /If you want to praise a personality of someone as a whole, you can say "素敵(すてき)ですね【sou-tequi death-nay】”. However, it's seldom used between men. 

This word includes a cheerful or modern feeling rather than the traditional one.

Good luck guys and ladies! 

/Adolescent girls often say "むずい【mo-zoo-ye】", which means something like "difficult". For example, "むずい試験(しけん)【mo-zoo-ye shiken】", which means a difficult test. Of course, I want her to say "難しい試験(むずかしいしけん)【mo-zoo-Cassi shiken】”.

"むずい" is the fashion. Besides, they use it too much. It has a harsh sound.

However, if you feel itchy during a test, you can say "むずむずする試験(しけん)【mo-zoo-mo-zoo through shiken】". 

 /"まじ?【Magic(don’t pronounce “c”)】" is a very convenient word among young people.

"まじ?" means "Are you kidding me?" or "Are you serious?"

In Japan, if you're lucky, you can hear it five times or more a day. 

If you are a teenager, you may use this convenient word as much as you want. It sounds frivolous, though.  

However, if you are an adult, you had better not use this word because it's completely frivolous.  

 /When you want to say,

“Thank you so much for helping me out.”,

“Thank you for your great support.” or

“Thank you for taking good care of me so well.”

You can say ”大変お世話になりました(たいへんおせわになりました)【Tie-hen au-say-what nee knowledge(don’t pronounce “dge)-mushitar】”with bowing.

“With bowing” exemplifies “Thank you”.

If Japanese see this scene in an airport, they will be deeply impressed.

I'm sure that the Japanese people around the foreigner think in secret, "Oh! What a perfect Japanese the man(woman) speaks!"

Yes, this is a beautiful word.